April 28th, 2024

💻 Obsidian As A Read-It-Later Service

Things I Love

I've been singing the praises of Obsidian for about a year now. It's become a crucial part of my everyday life and has a part in nearly every project I have going at any given time.

Lately, though, I've been trying to find a way to rely less on apps and websites that specifically offer read-it-later services. I found that I'd save articles, but then never go back and actually read any of them.

I deleted my Instapaper account. And my Raindrop.io account. GoodLinks is also gone. So is Pocket. But the question I had was "What else is there?"

And then it suddenly dawned on me that Obsidian has a rather large and incredibly active plug-in developer community, so why not check there?

And so I did. I simply searched "Read It Later," and a few different plug-ins popped up. I really liked the simplicity of ReadItLater by Dominik Pieper. Once installed and set up, I can simple share a link to Obsidian and once Obsidian opens, there’s an option to click on ReadItLater, which will add the link to a new formatted note and save it in the folder you specify upon setup.

I have OCD, so I keep my folder organized by topics. It looks like this:

This method has been working rather well for me. If I save an article that can then be used for one of my research projects, it’s super easy to move it to a folder in that project. 

We’ll see if I stick with this method long-term, but for now, I’m really liking the flexibility it offers, especially because I use Obsidian for almost everything I do.