May 11th, 2024

A Brief Ode to Blogging


This will likely be a short post, as today is a very busy one, but I just wanted to say a few things. 

I’m thankful for the plethora of Indie Web blogging platforms. With them — without Scribbles, especially — I would be blogging every day. 

I’ve been having so much fun post for WeblogPoMo! If I can, I’m going to keep posting every day after the end of the month. It feels almost second nature now, so why stop?

And lastly, I’m incredibly grateful for this return to blogging in general. It’s fantastic to realize that I don’t need to plan things out. I don’t have to worry about views or clicks. It doesn’t even matter what I write! 

You get whatever is in my brain at the time of writing, and you know what?

That’s okay.