May 3rd, 2024

On the Influence of Daily Blogging


Ever since the pandemic started, it’s been hard for me to write. No, it’s been nearly impossible to write. Silly me thought that things would get better once the pandemic was over and Covid was gone.

Those things never happened. They never will. And the state of the rest of the world? Well, let’s just call it a raging dumpster fire and not get into specifics.

Writing is difficult even when stress and anxiety levels aren’t high. When they are, any words I can get out are celebrated as a win. After all, it’s the little victories that really matter, right?

I’ve had a blog, in one form or another, since 2000. In all of the years since then, I’ve never had a regular blogging practice. I really did try a number of times, but it never stuck. Planning out posts and topics became more of a chore than anything, and I didn’t want blogging to be that way. So, I’d post here and there, whenever I thought I had something of substance to say.

Earlier this year, I jumped at the chance to grab a lifetime license for the Scribbles blogging platform by Vincent Ritter. I had tested the platform and fallen in love with its simplicity. I loved that the interface was minimal because it allowed me to just…write. I started posting at least once a week, but many weeks had more than one post. I was happy with that!

And now it’s May, and what am I doing? Participating in WeblogPoMo! The goal is to write a blog post every day this month, and I’m loving it so far. Sure, it’s only May 3rd, but I’ve written more in these past few days than I have in literal years

Blogging over these last few months has opened up a well inside of me. The creative well that hasn’t been open in a long time. I’ll be forever thankful for that because I haven’t been this excited to write in quite a while. I’ve already been doing some outlining and plotting for the remaining chapters of the novel I’ve been writing for nearly 11 years. 

All of this feels so good. Writing. The inspiration and excitement. It’s been really nice.