May 15th, 2024

Things for My Future Self to Remember


Because of self-esteem and self-confidence issues, as well as an uncanny ability to feel guilty over everything, I’m keeping this list of things that I want Future Kerri to remember.

  1. You are, and always will be, enough.
  2. Live in the present moment. 
  3. When people show you who they are, believe them. Always. 
  4. It’s okay to say “no” whenever you need to.
  5. Take care of yourself by any means necessary. 
  6. Don’t be a dick. 
  7. Always trust your own judgment.
  8. Stop worrying about what other people think of you. 
  9. Forgive and let go.
  10. Failure is always a learning opportunity. 
  11. Do the things you’re afraid to do.
  12. You don’t have to please everyone. 
  13. Keep your promises.
  14. Express gratitude whenever you can. 
  15. Your time matters.
  16. Make yourself a priority. 
  17. Always be kind. 
  18. Only you get to decide how much you can handle.
  19. Don’t get in your own way.
  20. Keep going — no matter what.