March 25th, 2024

💭 Things I Think About When I Can't Sleep


I have a pretty bad case of insomnia that dates back to my early teen years, which also coincidentally happens to be when I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression disorders.

Needless to say, I never sleep much, if at all -- especially at night. I lie in bed, willing myself to fall asleep. Does my brain cooperate? 

No, it does not. 

Rather than sleeping, I find myself thinking about the strangest, most random things:

  • If evolution is a regular process, does that mean humans could eventually develop gills?
  • Why is the sky blue? Why can't we set it to our own preferred color?
  • What would happen if the world existed in one timezone?
  • Why is the simple act of living so expensive? 

That's just a glimpse of what runs through my mind in the middle of the night. It's weird and sometimes scary. And to be honest,  I thought I'd eventually grow out of my insomnia at some point.

I guess that isn't going to happen.