May 20th, 2024

📝 Week Notes, No. 2024.20

Week Notes

Weekly Highlights of May 13th - 19th:

🎳 Week four of league bowling! We bowled one of the better teams in our league. 134, 92, and 92. It was not a good night. We did win one of three, though.

🚗 OH and I, along with my best friend went to the Mall of America in Minneapolis for my birthday (which is today, the 20th). It was less full of people than I expected, but I still masked, of course. Dinner was at Bubba Gump, which is one of my favorite places.

😁 Some beautiful stranger sent me an iPad Mini, an Apple Pencil, and a Smart Folio. The note included simply said: “Happy Birthday. Make beautiful things.” To say I’m grateful is an understatement, and I wish I could figure out who sent it.

👟Let me just say that Kizik shoes are truly amazing. I received a pair for my birthday, and I absolutely love them. I’m not sure I’ll go back to regular shoes after this!

Other Things of Note This Week:

📺 Watching:

🎮 Playing: 🎧 Listening To:

📖 Reading:


  • I completed a portrait commission for a friend. I love how it turned out!