February 19th, 2024

📝 Week Notes, No. 2024.7

Week Notes

Weekly Highlights of February 12th - 18th:

🩷 I decided to take advantage of omg.lol’s Valentine’s Day pricing offer and snagged philomath.omg.lol for myself. I’m not entirely sure what I’ll do with it yet, but that’s okay. I did move my Mastodon presence to their instance, though, so I can now be found at this account.

💻 I enrolled in a 120-hour course from TEFL to earn my English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching certification. I have six months to complete the course, but am planning to do so sooner than that. I’m excited to get started!

💝 I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s Day, and OH knows that. This year, he took me to a bookstore, which was pretty great, to be honest. We had sushi for dinner and spent the night with the dogs. Oh, and as is tradition for us, we watched a horror movie, too. 

🎳 Week 6 of league bowling! I tried using a wrist brace this week for some added stability. Scores were 122, 121, and 132. Things went much better this week and the wrist brace definitely helped!

🔥 OmniFocus 4 is finally out, and it is fantastic. I opted for the one-time-payment standard license, which gives me access to the app on all of my devices. I’ve only played around with it for a bit, and I know there’s a lot more to learn. I’ll likely be purchasing MacSparky’s field guide for it, whenever that’s available. 

Other Things of Note This Week:

📺 Watching:

🎧 Listening To:

📖 Reading:


  • I’ve added a Read It Later folder to the sidebar in my Obsidian vault. The process was super simple, thanks to the ReadItLater plugin from Dominik Pieper. I was able to get rid of another service and am just keeping articles in my vault now, which has been especially helpful when it comes to research for novels and other projects. 
  • I’ve been crocheting again lately to help deal with anxiety. I did some more work on the afghan for my brother, then started a second one, which I’ll likely keep. We’ll see.